New Year, New You... Time to Join the 6am Club?
The many benefits of rising at 6am every morning (including top tips on how to achieve this).
This is a super-short post to get you thinking about your New Year’s resolutions.
Whether you’ve chosen some already or haven’t given them any thought as yet, I’d urge you to add waking up early to your list of goals for 2013!
What do I mean by early?
Well, an ideal time to aim for is 6am.
This gets you up before most people, giving you the advantage of starting your day off without distractions. It also gives you plenty of time to plan what you want to accomplish that day.
A 6am start is also perfect for morning meditation and exercise. And if you’re a creative type, it handily gives you a spare hour or two in a morning for writing, painting or composing.
Now, I don’t know what time you currently wake up, but let’s say you typically set your alarm for 8am. To suddenly change this wake-up time to 6am would result in you feeling shocked, shattered and downright miserable!
To prevent this from happening, you need to gradually transition to an early start. To achieve this, I recommend setting your alarm to sound 15 minutes earlier each morning until you reach your target time. (To ensure you get enough sleep, you'll need to go to bed 15 minutes earlier each evening too.)
By using this simple method, in just 8 days you’ll reach your goal of waking up each day at 6am. And you’ll have done it in a smooth and orderly fashion, without any nightmares.
The 6am Club is not for everyone, but if you want to live a happy, healthy and productive life — then I highly recommend you join the ranks of the early risers!