Having now written 23 articles on being motivated in a morning, I’ve discovered one thing: My posts on sleeping well have attracted the most interest.
It’s become obvious to me that many people (perhaps including yourself) have sleep issues — which frequently lead to low energy, lack of motivation and poor health.
That’s why I’ve decided to offer up again some top tips on getting your best possible night’s sleep. In this case, I’ve chosen to list a different tip for each letter of the alphabet.
I think you’re going to enjoy and benefit from this article, so read on and learn how to sleep well!
Audiobooks — Remember when your parents used to read to you when you were a young child to help you sleep? Well, it worked then, and you might be surprised to learn that it still works! The only difference is that you can now choose any book you’d like to listen to, and any voice that soothes you and helps you sleep.
Baths — A warm bath before sleeping is a luxurious and relaxing way to prepare for bedtime. You can also add a few drops of lavender essential oil to your bath, as this will help you relax quicker and deeper.
Calmness — Don’t try to sleep after watching an action movie, working late or arguing with your partner. Instead look to make your last few hours of the evening as restful and peaceful as possible. This will definitely help you sleep soundly.
Darkness — To get the most sleep possible on a night, it’s vital to ensure your bedroom is as dark as possible. This means turning off lights in the room and corridor, and, if needed, installing blackout blinds on your bedroom windows.
Eating — I’m old enough to notice that in the UK, evening meal times seem to have slipped later and later. A few decades back, 5pm to 6pm was a common meal time, but nowadays most of my friends seem to eat after 7pm or even 8pm. The problem with eating late is it can disrupt your sleep. So, try to eat as early as possible (at least 3 hours before you go to bed).
Forgiveness — From time to time we all get angry or bitter about something or someone. However, this is really just a recipe for feeling and sleeping bad! Instead, try to forgive and forget, so you can sleep peacefully and harmoniously.
Gratitude — It’s good to end your day by looking back on things you can be grateful for. Whether it’s having a job, having friends, or having that chocolate bar you love, I’m sure you can find something to be grateful for every evening.
Hydration — If you sleep well on a night, then you won’t be waking up and drinking water. That’s why it’s important to build a habit of drinking a glass of water before bedtime. This will help you stay hydrated throughout the night.
Instagram — I’ve picked on Instagram because it matches my A to Z! However, my point here is about all social media. It’s easy to get caught up with scrolling, posting and liking. But if you want to sleep well, then make sure you switch off all social media at least an hour before you go to bed.
Journaling — I’m going to be writing a whole article on the benefits of journaling. But for now, let me just say that writing down your thoughts at the end of each evening is a liberating way to bring your day to a close.
Kindle — I mentioned listening to audiobooks, but if that’s not your thing, then try reading a book, either in paperback/hardback or on a Kindle. A chapter or two of a good book will help you relax and get you ready to sleep like a baby.
Lavender — As I touched on in the bathing section, lavender essential oil is a natural sleep aid. In a bath, just add a few drops of oil to the water. And in the bedroom, use an oil diffuser to fill your room with the delightful and relaxing smell of lavender.
Music — Listening to some relaxing music while in bed is one of my favorite ways to fall asleep. And the music doesn’t have to play all night, as most apps will let you set a sleep timer. I usually set mine for one hour, and I can’t remember ever staying awake that long!
Naps — If you have a habit of napping during the day, then you might want to try breaking that habit. It’s much better to save your sleeping time until nighttime.
Orderly — Not only should you have a regular time you go to bed and a regular time you wake up, but make sure your bedroom is tidy and orderly, as this will also help you sleep well.
Pillows — Experiment with how many pillows you need. Some people like one, some people like two, and some people don’t like any at all!
Quietness — With the exception of relaxing music, your bedroom should be as quiet as possible. This will help you fall asleep, and stop you waking up throughout the night. If you live by a busy road, then you might want to try earplugs to block out the road noise.
Relaxation — To prepare for sleep you should do whatever helps you to relax. This might be chatting with your family or preparing your food for the next day.
Sunlight — You might not immediately link sunlight with sleeping, but they’re definitely linked. Studies show that people who get decent amounts of sunlight exposure per day tend to sleep better. So if you’re stuck in a dark office all day, try to at least get some sunlight (or daylight if cloudy) by having a morning walk or sitting outside for your lunch.
Temperature — Getting the right temperature in your bedroom is critical. I’m sure you’ve experienced how difficult it is to sleep if you feel either too hot or too cold in bed. To stay warm, add extra blankets; to stay cool, use a light blanket and open the window.
Unique — If else all fails, try the universally tried-and-tested method of falling to sleep: counting sheep!
Ventilation — Providing the weather is not freezing cold, then try to always leave a window open in your bedroom. This will ensure the air in your room is constantly circulated. This will help you breathe and sleep better.
Windows — As mentioned above, an open window can provide you with fresh oxygen throughout the night. However, if it’s winter, then it’s probably best to keep the window closed. And when it comes to light through the window, either have thick curtains or invest in blackout blinds.
X — Is there something specific (the X) that has been nagging you and constantly interrupting your sleep? If yes, find a solution to the issue and implement it.
Yoga — Many people love to do yoga on a night. The stretching and meditation techniques are perfect ways to relax the mind and body, putting you into a restful state ready for sleep.
Zombie — If you stay up longer on a night than your mind and body want, then you’ll quickly turn into a zombie! Once that happens to you, then the only escape from this hell is to head to bed and sleep like an angel.
I hope you’ve enjoyed reading these sleeping tips.
And whether you’re attracted to one or all 26 tips, then please put your chosen ones into action tonight and for the next 30 days. This will be sufficient time for you to create a new habit. One that will serve you well for the rest of your life.
Happy sleeping!