The Spiritual Significance of Morning Time
My thoughts on why morning time is the best time to tune into the spiritual side of life.
Have you ever wondered why most religious services, such as Sunday services in churches, typically take place in a morning?
Is it possible that there is an enhanced spiritual atmosphere in a morning that helps us to connect with higher powers?
Read on to hear my thoughts on this important, but seldom discussed, topic.
The energy of sacred sites
Anyone who knows me personally, will no doubt be aware that I’m a super sensitive person.
While this is not always a good thing, when it comes to sensing people’s feelings and the energies in places, it has served me well.
For example, I can quickly pick up on the energies at sacred sites such as Avebury Stone Circle, Glastonbury Tor and Mont Saint Michel. These are highly energetic and spiritual places that attract thousands of people a year who feel and benefit from the natural magnetism in these sites.
If you visit these places (or similar sites) you’ll no doubt see people sitting down and meditating. Try it yourself and you’ll see why people do this. At high energy sites there is a natural power that can help take you beyond your conditioned thoughts. This same power can also help relax, refresh and rejuvenate you.
I’ve enjoyed visiting sacred sites for decades, but one thing I’ve discovered is that the energy in a morning is different. It feels lighter, finer and more uplifting.
The energy of the morning time
It’s my belief that our ancient ancestors who created sacred sites chose the locations based on the inherent power of the land.
The energy of the land really does vary. Just think how different sitting by a lakeside feels to sitting on top of a mountain. Both great places, but both with very different atmospheres and energy.
It’s the same with morning, afternoon and evening times. None is better than the other, but they are evidently very different.
Morning is best for mental and spiritual development. The afternoon for physical activity. And the evening for binge watching the latest Netflix series! :-)
So why do I claim morning time is a spiritual time?
It’s based on my own experiences of feeling the different energies that each phase of the day has. It’s also based on my observation that generations of people have chosen to worship their deity in a morning time.
If you’ve ever had chance to get up really early and be out in nature during sunrise, you’ll have experienced the positive and spiritual energy that the morning time exudes. The colors from the sunrise is magical, and the fresh air is enlivening.
Of course, to benefit from this morning energy, you need to let go of your stress and worries and allow nature to nurture you — just like it does every morning for all living creatures on earth.
A morning spiritual practice
You can begin transforming your life but spending just 30 minutes a day attuning yourself to the magical morning energy.
Whether you walk in nature or meditate in your garden, 30 minutes outside in a morning can help charge you up for the day. It can also be a fantastic time for inspiration. Just stay mentally open for creative ideas to flow into your mind.
Ultimately, the morning time is a daily opportunity to align yourself with the rhythm of nature and life. It will also help you prepare for your day and the challenges ahead.
If you haven’t previously thought about the spiritual significance of morning time — then I hope this post will garner your interest to continue exploring this little-known but vitally important topic.