Laughter is the Best Morning Medicine
How finding the time to laugh in the morning can set you up for a fantastic day.
If you’re reading this post, then I’m guessing that mornings aren’t your best time!
I know how it can be…
Deep sleep disrupted by an annoying alarm clock; struggle to crawl out of bed after multiple alarm snoozing; then rush to shower, change and head to work.
It’s no wonder most of us feel miserable first thing in a morning!
Fortunately — as this website testifies to — there are lots of things you can do to make your mornings bright, healthy and cheerful. Including making it a habit to laugh and enjoy your first few hours of the day (and beyond…!).
The dreaded morning blues
The morning time can seem like a miserable time — especially in the winter months in the UK!
Not only is it usually cold, dark and damp, but most people seem to walk around like zombies. (At least until they’ve have their first shot of caffeine!)
As you’ve probably noticed, it’s not much better at the workplace, with colleagues struggling to find the energy or the will to say good morning. Clearly, for them it isn’t!
Morning blues are real and we all experience them from time to time. But if you want your days to be filled with love and laughter — then you need to develop the habit of having fun first thing in a morning.
Let me share a few ways which will help you do this…
The laughter cure
Learning to laugh in a morning is surprisingly easy to do, once you set your mind on achieving this goal.
Firstly, your morning moodiness is likely caused by lack of sleep — so make sure you get yourself tucked into bed at least eight hours before you need to wake up.
Secondly, you can learn to laugh in a morning by waking up to funny audiobook or a podcast from your favorite comedian. Compare this to waking up to the news, which, if you weren’t already, will definitely leave you feel down and depressed!
Thirdly, and this is the most important tip, make a determined effort to be friendly, upbeat and humorous in a morning. These should be your default states with your family, commuters and colleagues.
Often, it’s as easy as making a lighthearted joke about the weather, the traffic or even yourself!
You’ll be amazed how other people respond to you.
For example, if I make a joke when I come into work my colleagues tend to laugh or smile. Which is much nicer than their default nods and grunts!
Being happy and funny in a morning is infectious, so you’ll not only be helping yourself — but you’ll also be helping everyone you come into contact with.
Your morning laughter recipe
I see tons of recipes on the internet for breakfasts, but I’ve never seen a recipe for learning to laugh in the morning!
Well, that’s why I’m writing the post.
The ingredients are free and easy…
Sleep early and sleep well.
Wake up with plenty of time to spare. (Having to rush is bad!)
Listen to an audiobook or podcast that makes you laugh.
Freshen up.
Hydrate with a glass or two of water.
Fill up with healthy, nutritious food. (Think fruit smoothies and wholegrain snacks.)
Smile and joke with your family and friends.
Leave to work with plenty of time. (Again, rushing is bad!)
Say a bright good morning to your colleagues.
Inject some creative humor into your conversations!
See what I mean? This is a super simple recipe that anyone (including myself!) can easily follow.
However, don’t be fooled by it’s simplicity.
Learning to laugh in a morning will genuinely transform your life for the better. And your friends, family and colleagues will all thank you for being a bright light every morning.
“Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face.” — Victor Hugo